Let me start by saying "I LOVE the new look" in my livingroom.
13+ years ago we moved into this house, it had a brick entryway with an archway that lead in the livingroom. The room had white carpet, and lots of wallpaper that had to go. Since then Clay has remodeled the home to fit our lifestyle living in a wheelchair. He opened up the room and put in wood flooring.

Man Kayla was little back then...where has the time gone?

I thought he did a great job but I still was missing something. We had our BIG 65" TV upstairs for many years and I repainted the room to give it a country western feel. We bought all new brown leather furniture and the room was beautiful. But I was still missing something.

After I got more mobile and was able to climb the stairs to appreciate the familyroom, I noticed we had way more room downstairs than upstairs, which brought me to our next project. I wanted to move the TV downstairs but the design of the room was such that the sectional and the TV would not fit. So again I asked Clay if he would please move all our furniture around. He agreed that it would be nice to have the TV downstairs and so that's what brought us to the current design.
After the sectional was moved upstairs, once again. There was a very big empty spot where the TV sat. We went shopping looking for a hall bench with the old fashion hat racks on it, but after going to 3 stores we were not able to find one. That's when Clay told me to think about another option to buy. Not knowing what that would be I said "ok,but what?"
That's when my eyes saw this absolutely breath taking fireplace! I said NO WAY the colors were prefect and the style matched the theme I was looking for. So we now have a fireplace in my frontroom. And that SOMETHING that I was missing is no longer missing...I found it!

I have changed a few things around on the mantel but it still looks pretty.

The job of finding the perfect rug was another task! I guess I am too picky cause I looked at a lot of rugs til I found this one. It had a matching runner that fit very well in front of the fireplace too. Plus its always good when you like something that is on clearance ...

Here are the views of the room. The top view is from the front door and the bottom is from the dining room entrance.

I picked up this wooden bench to place in front of the windows. I had fun shopping to find this as well.

This cowboy was a must. He brings so much character to our room.

Years ago I took a lot of my Country Jam tee-shirts and made a throw out of them along with some old jeans and cowboy boot material. With the extra material I had a neighbor make me a couple of pillows. When I was shopping for the bench I found this extra pillows that matched my carpet and I had to have them.

They look nice on the sectional now.

The room needed some more color so I got my old flower pots out of storage (who knew they would be a prefect match) and again I was off to the store to get some flowers. I think my good friend April did a GREAT job arranging the flowers too. I have 2 pots and 2 boots that now have flowers in them.

Well now you've seen my new livingroom, maybe you can understand why I LOVE my new room!!! Thank you Clay for putting up with me and my compulsive personality and letting me have my way.
Your house looks great and your blog does too!! You did it, the pictures are really big and perfectly fit into your blog!!
Looks Beautiful!!
Great job!!! everything is looking fantastic.
I like it, it looks really homey and comfortable.
It looks great! You are right, the fireplace is the perfect thing for right there.
As I was looking closer to the wallpaper....when we moved in here,they had the exact same wallpaper in the whole kitchen/living room and was lined down the hall way....We obviously had it scraped off and repainted.....I should've took pics during the whole ordeal...darn!
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